I'm going home!

Meet Lil Dog

Breed: Chihuahua Mix
Gender: male
Size: small
Weight: 15 lbs
Birthday: September 21, 2016
Age: Adult, 7 years

About Lil Dog

Lil Dog came to HUA having been named by his person (who could no longer take care of him) but some of his paperwork showed his name to be Sparky.  To further add to the confusion, some staff members began calling him Meatball because he is a rather round little thing.  This most precious of all dogs responds to all of his names because he does not give a hoot what we call him, as long as we’re calling him.  Meatball really is the perfect dog.  He is happy and friendly to all humans and other dogs, he is fully housebroken and leash trained, and the only time he makes a sound is when he is squealing with delight at having a human friend visit him.  He is utterly devoted to people and attaches quickly and deeply.  Meatball lives in the HUA office, not just because we are all clamoring for his love and affection, but also to teach some of the misfit dogs in the office how to behave like ladies and gentlemen.  Our sneaky tactic does not appear to be working as far as behavioral changes in the others, but we pay no matter to this as Meatball’s mere presence in the room is so delightful.

Becoming an HUA Buddy changes a life. For a monthly donation, you can befriend a dog or cat in need of some love and support until your fuzzy pal is adopted.

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Buddy Message:

His buddy, Tonya Griffin from Rochester, NY, sent him this message:

“In love and hoping he gets a fantastic forever family. Until then, I will be his buddy!”

Meatball sends Tonya big hugs and kisses!