Meet Paddington

Gender: male
Size: small
Weight: 13
Birthday: June 3, 2009
Age: Senior, 15 years

About Paddington

Paddington is the cutest of all little bears and very popular among the volunteer crowd. He is the happiest he has ever been, even though he once had a home of his own. The person that had Paddington as a puppy struck him repeatedly for having potty accidents. Sometimes things from puppyhood really stick, and this poor kid continued to be bothered by fast hand movements until he lost his eyesight due to complications from diabetes. Paddy’s least favorite activity is getting his insulin injections, but it is something we must do to keep him as healthy as possible. His screaming fits when it is shot time have forced us to become swift and sneaky in order to get it done. Other than those tantrums, however, Paddington is happy, sweet, charismatic little one who adores the humans and the other office dogs. His home is with HUA–it is the home where he feels loved and safe–and it will be forever.
** I qualify for a therapeutic foster home.  If interested, please contact the HUA office at 402-274-3679.**