I'm going home!

Meet Sylvi

Breed: Terrier Mix
Gender: female
Size: small
Weight: 10 lbs
Birthday: September 6, 2015
Age: Adult, 9 years

About Sylvi

Poodle? Terrier? Yorkie? Gremlin? A Face Only a Mother Could Love? Sweet Sylvi’s breed is a mystery.   She  was “rescued” from one bad situation to another, and this was both confusing and overwhelming for this little one.  When she arrived at HUA her nervousness was intense and she wanted very little to do with anyone or anything.  She has since emerged as a loving and sweet pup who cherishes a cozy lap.  She loves the company of other dogs as well.  Sylvi could use some work with her leash skills, but for now we’ve been content to carry Her Highness about the place, enjoying the fact that she has conquered her fears and has finally become brave enough to let us in to her world.

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