I'm going home!
Meet Roy
About Roy
Roy was brought to HUA by his family because he was not behaving well around the small children. He can be a bit of a timid boy and in all likelihood he was feeling overwhelmed. Roy is even a scaredy-cat with Chihuahuas and cats until he really gets to know them well. He is a favorite dog at the shelter. He loves going for walks and playing fetch. Roy can be counted on each and every time to bring his toy back for another toss. If he feels as though he has left his toy too far from our feet, he will kindly pick it up and place it closer. Roy loves meeting new people and hams it up to show off his sweet and silly personality. Because he is a bit shy with other animals Roy does everything he can do avoid confrontation. Frequent trips to the sunroom for lunchtime where there are a lot of small dogs bustling about has given him more confidence and he is feeling happier in new situations. What he really wants is to be as close to people as possible. Roy is a loyal and loving boy who will quickly claim the hearts of his new family members.
Becoming an HUA Buddy changes a life. For a monthly donation, you can befriend a dog or cat in need of some love and support until your fuzzy pal is adopted.
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