I'm going home!

Meet Porkchop

Breed: Chihuahua
Gender: male
Size: small
Weight: 16 lbs
Birthday: April 5, 2017
Age: Adult, 7 years

About Porkchop

Porkchop had a person who got into some trouble and was no longer able to care for him.  There was absolute no adjustment time for this silly Chi–he came to the shelter as happy as a clam.   He is loving and social with people and he frequently attends doggy playgroup because he makes friends so quickly.  Porkchop loves to play, loves to be cuddled, and loves life in general.  He is a happy, confident not-a-care-in-the-world kinda guy.

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Buddy Message:

His buddies, Chuck and Lyn Mohr from Albuquerque, NM, sent him this message:

“You’re in our thoughts and prayers. It just gets better from here…just ask Benny, Cocoa, Jellybean, Nova and Abby Poodle! All our love, The Mohr family”

Knuckles sends lots of love to the Mohrs!