Meet Nigel

Breed: Australian Shepherd
Gender: male
Size: small
Weight: 11 lbs
Birthday: August 19, 2023
Age: Young, 1 years

About Nigel

We recently rescued a group of Aussies who were living in poor conditions. The owner had passed away and the remaining relatives were overwhelmed trying to care for the six dogs who had never received proper care to begin with. It is possible that this was a bad breeding/hoarding situation and the Aussies were being labeled as “feral.” We were not surprised when they arrived at the shelter completely unsocialized and rather like wild animals.  Nigel is still rather stand-offish but he is making good progress.  He is slowly coming around to trust his caregivers, especially if there are tasty treats involved.  We were excited to see him playing with a Kong toy, as that means Nigel is figuring out to have fun.  A calm, patient home with another dog in the house would be best for this beautiful boy.

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