Meet Maysen

Breed: Poodle
Gender: male
Size: small
Weight: 11 lbs
Birthday: August 1, 2023
Age: Young, 1 years

About Maysen

Maysen was a product of a puppy mill.  Although still very young, the poor guy was an emotional mess when he arrived at HUA.  He was very nervous and untrusting, and the only thing he really wanted to do was hide.  He has seen the caregivers working with his doggy friends, though, and he is willing now to open up a bit.  We’ve moved him into the office area where he must interact with the humans, and Maysen is handling it quite well.  He is an active boy who loves to play with the other dogs, especially in a play group environment.  He is so cute when he is running in his yard, making friends and having a good time.  Maysen will do best is a quiet home with another dog or two and no small children.

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Buddy Message:

His buddy, Denise Wolf from Upton, MA, sent him this message:

“Maysen, you are so adorable, you’ll certainly find your forever home soon. Until then, we will be your buddy, with love from Mom and Pop Wolf, maltipoo Jake, and in loving memory of Hartley and Pippin who came to us from HUA, and Bear.”

Maysen sends lots of love to the Wolf family!